Sunday, March 18, 2007

Welcome - We're here for You

This is the Sallie Mae (SLM) spot to provide insight and information regarding potential illegal and/or anti-competitive activity by Student Loan behemoth Sallie Mae.

Sallie Mae has become a monopolisitc monopoly that has been able to coddle politicians through political "contributions" such that laws relating to Student Loans and no other area of Finance in America. Included in Sallie Mae's anti-competitive efforts are:

--Denial of Students/Graduates the opportunity to refinance loans when rates are more favorable.
--Denial of Students to select the loan provider of their choice
--Payment to Univeristies and their Administration for "Preferred Lender Programs" that eliminate choice at the point of origin
--Contrctually eliminating litigation in the Lender-Lendee relationship
--Predatory collection practices as adjudicated in Minnesota Courts and currently being litigated in Illiniois.

This is the short list.

Add executives taking their corporate jets to such US Student Loan business centers as Cancun and London, executives pulling nine figure salaries, executives buying private golf courses, trying to buy Major League baseball teams, and gloating in media over the artists they commissioned to outfit their Georgian Mansion - and you see why we are here.

This is a dispicable situation. We know there are employees at Sallie Mae that share our opinion. NOW - you can help by anonymously sharing your knowledge.

If you have knowledge of illegal or anti-competitive activity - you may contact us anonymously. DO NOT use your work computer. DO NOT send copies or attachments of company papers. The lack of integrity of your executives is something we do not want to replicate here.

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